Bell's Palsy - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Bell's Palsy - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Bell's palsy consists of a facial nerve anomaly (cranial nerve VII), first described by the Scottish anatomist Charles Bell, which is characterized by an abrupt weakness or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face.

Several factors can lead to facial paralysis, such as brain tumor, stroke and Lyme disease. However, when a cause is not identified, the condition is called Bell's paralysis. Although the cause is not known, the mechanism is believed to involve inflammation of the facial nerve in response to a viral infection, compression, or lack of blood supply.

The symptomatology appears suddenly, with the patient being able to present pain behind the ear shortly before there is muscular weakness, of varying degrees (from discrete to severe), always affecting a single side of the face. Patients also report numbness or a heavy feeling in the face; however, the sensitivity remains unchanged. If the affected part is superior, the patient may have difficulty closing the eye on the affected side. In rare cases, this paralysis can also alter the production of saliva, taste, or the production of tears.

The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture in the absence of any etiological factor. To rule out other causes, your doctor may order X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs, as well as blood tests to rule out Lyme disease. There is no specific test for Bell's palsy.

There is no specific treatment for this condition. Some doctors advocate corticosteroid administration before the second day after the onset of symptoms, continuing for two weeks. However, there was no evidence of efficacy in pain control or influence on patient recovery with this drug.

If paralysis leads to obstruction of ocular occlusion, eye dryness should be avoided by applying lubricating drops to the eye at short intervals and, if necessary, eye-dropping. In some cases, massage on the affected side as well as nerve stimulation can aid in preventing the stiffness of these muscles. When paralysis persists for six to twelve months or more, there is the possibility of undergoing surgery, in which the surgeon will attempt to graft a nerve are in the paralyzed facial muscle.

When paralysis is partial, recovery can be achieved within two months. However, when it is total, the prognosis varies, although most patients recover completely.

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Bell's Palsy - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments Bell's Palsy - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments Reviewed by Notícias Empregos on outubro 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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