SAE Institute Berlin, Berlin, Germany

SAE Institute

SAE INSTITUTE Founded in 1976 and since then, it has become the world's largest creative media educator with more than 50 campuses in 28 countries. The SAE curriculum has been carefully crafted in consultation with leading industry professionals to meet the requirements of the global creative media industries.

SAE Institute offers a comprehensive portfolio of courses in creative media (audio, film, animation, game development, music and web business) with a strong tradition of practical application and industry recognition. A Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science degree can be achieved in as little as two years.

Two master's programs (MA / MSc) are available. Bachelor's and Master's programs are offered in conjunction with the renowned Middlesex University in London. The SAE Institute has a network in five continents with campuses in the worldwide centers of creative media industries, including London, Berlin, Munich, Paris, Barcelona, ​​New York, Los Angeles and more.

The SAE Association of Students is the network for graduates and students of the SAE Institute, with the goal of providing them with an alumni experience afterwards with their world-class education and offering a varied program of resources, events and communications to offer a active placement program, keep them in touch with each other and involved with the SAE Institute.

The SAE Alumni Convention is a free networking event traditionally held in Berlin for anyone with an interest in the development of creative media and technology. The annual event brings together as minds sharing the knowledge you need to know about the creative media and entertainment industry. The convention offers you rich opportunities for definitive research, stimulating education and business development - it's the perfect forum for networking and brainstorming.

SAE Magazine is the magazine of the SAE Institute and SAE Alumni Association. The publication originally released in the press, but moved to be published online in 2014.

Two master's programs (MA / MSc) are available. Bachelor's and Master's programs are offered in conjunction with the renowned Middlesex University in London. (A master's program with Middlesex and one with the famous Folkwang Universität der Künste.


The Berlin Campus Provides creative and passionate students access to industry standard facilities and a staff of teachers with excellent knowledge of the subject and a passion to enable each student to reach their potential.

  • Well-equipped recording studios, movie suites and numerous workstations in a space of 2.000m2
  • All courses and programs of the SAE Institute in Berlin are taught in English and German
  • A strong network with the dynamic creative industry in the German capital
  • Additional lectures and seminars with leading industry leaders
SAE Institute Berlin, Berlin, Germany SAE Institute Berlin, Berlin, Germany Reviewed by Notícias Empregos on outubro 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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